Professional Hardwood Installation in Berlin, MD and Onancock, VA

Prior to hardwood installation, thorough preparation of the space is crucial. Clear the area of all furniture and belongings, and complete any necessary tasks, such as painting beforehand. Arrange for an adult to be present during installation, and keep children and pets out of the installation area for safety. These measures contribute to a seamless and efficient hardwood installation process.

Woman moving sofa | LeClaire Flooring
Hardwood cleaning | LeClaire Flooring

After Installation

After hardwood installation, it's common to notice some odors associated with new flooring. To mitigate this, promote ventilation by using a fan or opening windows to circulate fresh air. Additionally, be sure to follow any specific care and maintenance instructions provided by our team to preserve the longevity and pristine condition of your newly installed hardwood.

Hardwood Care

Keep your floors looking their best.

Hardwood floor cleaning | LeClaire Flooring